Thursday, March 26, 2009

Author Spot: Rita Mae Brown

Well, I'm sick in bed with a cold and I find that when I am in this particular spot, I always seem to reach for a book that I've read before. One of my favorite authors that I tend to grab is Rita Mae Brown.

Be it her wonderful Mrs. Murphy and Tee Tucker series or the Fox hunting adventure of Sister, I find that I love reading them over and over again. Her way with how animals think and what they would say has me rolling on the floor. even tossing a look at my cat as he stares at me wondering what he might be saying.

For those not familiar with her writings, Ms. Brown writes mysteries, most set in smaller towns in Central Virginia. Both have something to do with the tradition of Fox Hunting, though 'Sister' Arnold's stories (e.g. Full Cry, Outfoxed, The Hunt Ball, etc.) are centered around the sport. Each has their own set of animal characters that 'talk', but only to each other. It lends a fun side to the art of murder that some books lack.

Her co-author for the Mrs. Murphy mysteries is her striped tabby Sneaky Pie Brown, who bears an extraordinary resemblance to the main 'cat'ater in the books, Mrs. Murphy. Together with her friends, Tee Tucker (a welsh corgi) and Pewter ( a fat grey feline always in search of food), they help their always curious owner, Mary Minor 'Harry' Haristeen solve the case without getting killed in the process.

If you haven't read anything by Rita Mae, I implore you to. She is a wonderful writer that puts her whole heart into her stories. Her characters are so real you wonder if they actually exist somewhere in the world and you can tell by the way she writes each of their struggles, that she truly cares what happens to them. Even the settings of her novels wrap you in the art of New England and its lush traditions, some of which are dying out.

So, if you are searching for a book to spend an afternoon with or something to take with you on your next flight, pick up on of the many books in Rita Mae Brown's creative library. You might just find yourself looking at your pet wondering just what it might be thinking.

For a list of her books, please stop by her website at

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