Monday, November 30, 2009

I Can Do It On My Own

I am not published, but have written some fanfics and short stories...poems that are on certain sites on the web. I have learned many things about writing...some the easy way and others...not so much.

For those writers out there who believe that you can do it all one your are very wrong. I don't mean that you have to have a co-author (I write without one as well) find one as good as mine is to me would be a long stretch (not that there isn't ones out there) what I mean is someone who can be your eyes...catch things that you miss, right wrongs that might not be physically possible, tell you if your timeline isn't just a bit off, and just be that voice of reason that tells you if your character might be a little too much of a drama queen or if the words you are using aren't up to par.

We all have a different way of writing. Some of us like just saying it is hot...others need twenty five words before we get our point across...but we all need a voice of reason. So...don't do it on your own...get a beta reader or just a friend....someone that loves your work as much as you do...and who you don't mind tearing into said work, being honest, and realizing that they are doing it to better you as a me, it's worth it. Laters, Gators...

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